Home Technology Google Friendconnect disabled

Google Friendconnect disabled

by Sunil J
Image representing Google Friend Connect as de...

Image via CrunchBase

A few of you might have noticed that I was using Google Friend Connect as a commenting system. It meant I had to go to www.google.com/friendconnect each time to moderate a comment. I had some misgiving about it since it was splitting the posts from its comments. But I still stayed with it because I didn’t want to make any changes. However, I had to change it today as I noticed that any trackbacks I received was not being displayed as the commending system was different from WordPress and one which didn’t support trackbacks.

I have disabled Google Friend Connect from being used for comment; you can still use it to log in and leave a comment; you can also use your Gravatar ID, wordpress.com ID or you can just put in your name, email and website (if you have one) to leave a comment.

The downside is I will lose a few comments that were captured by Friend Connect. 🙁

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ElizOF January 12, 2011 - 4:42 AM

Hi Sunil,
I thought you could only get GFC on Blogger hosted sites. Interesting! Anyway, I found your blog on DailyPost… and wanted to stop by and say hello. You’ve been blogging since 2000? Amazing.
Come say hello… I write a positive, motivational blog and I blog daily. 🙂

Sunil January 12, 2011 - 5:38 AM

You should be able to integrate it with almost anything. With popular applications like wordpress it would be quite easy.
Blogging since 2000 would be the wrong way to put it as I haven’t been posting with any regularity. I am not sure where some of the blogs I started are located.
But there are others who started blogging recently but have managed to post quite regularly, and others who have been blogging with a break for more than 10 years. Now that is amazing. 🙂
I see you have put in a lot of effort into your blog. I will certainly keep visiting it and put in my ideas and perspective on your posts.


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